
Social Media: A Way of Life

Our last class session started with a YouTube video showing us how social media is not a fad, but a part of life that is here to stay for a good while it seems. Over the weekend, I saw a commercial, I believe it was for Toyota, and in it, we see a girl and her laptop talking about Facebook and also mentions that older people become sort of "anti-social". She tries to get her parent's involed in Facebook and mentions that sadness at how her parents only have 19 friends whereas she has 600+ friends. In the meantime, we also see her parent's bike riding with friends and doing other things. So really, the parent's hadn't "secluded" themselves from society as she thought, but were very much enjoying life with their friends and their Toyota.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we do EVERYTHING with help from the internet. We get clothes, books and food online. We find out about news and important events through sites such as Facebook, Twitter and others. Forget about writing letters. We can just easily call or text in a breeze. Talk about the loss of romanticism through writing and poetry. Who even writes anymore? Unless its for a school paper or your grocery list, it's not really something we do anymore. Why buy invitations or greeting cards anymore? Just send it via email or via Facebook. We make our friends online and on sites such as Facebook, we have "friends" who are actually people we don't really talk to, don't know or perhaps just saw once at a bar or party.

It also brings bad things. Cyberbullying happens more and more. Child pornography and exploitation is easily found. Sexual predators have it easier to come in contact with children. We have sites where adultery is facilitated. We also have sites like Craigslist where you can get ANYTHING, literally.

With every good thing comes bad things though, right? Social media, the internet, has faciliated life in many ways, good and bad. And it a part and way of life that is here to stay. I wonder, however, what kind of other cultural or technological revolution will happen next that will change the way things are done. What else can they do? In my lifetime that is.

Would you like to know how to get better grades using Social media? Click below and find out. Quite funny and interesting.

How To Get Better Grades Using Social Media

1 comment:

  1. that is soo true. we use the internet for everything it is crazy!
