
iPhone 5 Rumors, Are They True?

People are really getting crazy obsessed about the iPhone 5. To be honest, how do we really know it's going to come out? It has been believed that this new iPhone will be realesed in early september, but just recently it was said that it may not even come out until October. I personally don't think this new iPhone will be anything "revolutionary". It's like when the iPhone 3 came out: yeah, it was quite a big deal. The iPhone 3GS wasn't that much of an improvement until we got to the iPhone 4; now there was a difference.

And just who starts these rumors anyways? Ate they actual tech personnel from Apple or perhaps they're just tech geeks. Whenever something breaking has come up, of suddenly becomes headlines in Tech news. Just the other day, a supposed prototype of the iPhone 5 was caught on a subway. For all we know the image the discoverer took may have been photoshopped or enhanced in some way. Or he may have been mistaken on the kind of phone it actually was. All I can say is that Apple is good at keeping their mouths shut and building up great hype. Let's hope they don't disappoint us all.

source: iPhone 5 leaked

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